The Township strives to provide safe and secure infrastructure for its residents. One way of providing this is by protecting the infrastructure from potential damages. Some of the activities that would require a work permit are:
A work permit is required for anyone wanting to work on a Township road or property, even if there is no intent on damaging the road or municipal property. The permit is required prior to any work starting or occupation of municipal property.
The Township form for Work Permits can be found here. Supplemental design information and specifications can be found here.
Township staff will review the permit and decide whether or not a security deposit is required. This is to ensure that the right- of-way is restored to its original condition. Township staff will determine the risks to municipal infrastructure and any potential liabilities to determine whether an insurance requirement is needed.
For any work taking place on a Regional road the applicant must obtain a Regional Work Permit.
If a security deposit is required, it must be submitted prior to any work starting. The security deposit will be held for a minimum of 60 (sixty) calendar days after the work has been completed. The applicant is responsible to request the Township to complete an initial inspection after work has been completed and the follow up inspection after the 60 (sixty) day maintenance period has expired.
Any work completed after November 15 will be reviewed by the Township after April 15 of the following year before the deposit is released.
All utility locates are the responsibility of the applicant who should contact ON1Call.