The Wilmot Fire Department has recently been through a significant shift within its organizational walls. The Department has experienced a move into a different way of viewing both itself, and how the organization views its role within the community of Wilmot Township. During the process of a self-introduced organizational assessment, the organization recognized the opportunity and the advantages of a new crest, to lead us in the coming years.
This new first rough draft of the crest was developed by the hand of Firefighter Dominique Trottier from the New Hamburg Station, We felt it was important to bring all stations together to form a committee and continue the final renditions of the crest. This crest was chosen as the best and most accurately reflected image of our membership. This crest gives the Wilmot Fire Department a truly reflective image that holds both new aspects and traditional images.
The Maltese cross has been the symbol of the fire service for many years. Centered within the cross is the Wilmot Coat of Arms, along with our township name above. A crossed fire axe and halligan bar shadow the Cross providing the tradition and future of the fire service. Finally, the Canadian flag and fire department established date completes the crest. all of these components make this crest both very unique and also very proudly supported.
This crest will be posted on our Fire Stations, hung inside our training room in all stations, worn by our membership and posted on our fire apparatus.
The membership of the Wilmot Fire Department stands very proud at the opportunity to serve our community.